
Hello, and welcome to my website.  I’m Steve Joordens, Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto Scarborough , and Director of the Advanced Learning Technologies Lab .

It turns out that “Professor” and “Director” are just two aspects of who I am, and one of the goals of this site is to share information on some of the other things I am up to.  Primarily I am an educator and an entrepreneur of educational technologies but  I also regularly give keynote presentations and do media interactions as a way of connecting psychology to world events.  I have an activist streak as well with two primary causes; enhancing public education to focus more on the development of transferable skills, and trying to convince humans to treat animals more respectfully in research and definitely in the food industry.  For fun, I front a rock band and ride a motorcycle, both things I do with my wife Sue.  To find out more about any of these things, check out the menu links related to each topic.

I also have a link to a blog.  As you’ll see from the dates, I tried this whole blog thing a couple of years back and it didn’t stick.  Maybe it will this time!  I’ve left my old blog posts and will be adding more soon.